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    Sherlock Implant Analog for Straumann Bone Level. For digital and stone model use. Adjustable height by cutting at grooves. Straumann NC is available in steel. Straumann RC is now available in titanium and anodized for your convenience.

    Straumann Bone Level Analog (individually priced)

    Sherlock - Straumann Bone Level

    Straumann Bone Level Analog (individually priced)

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    Sherlock Implant Analog for 3i Certain. For digital and stone model use. Adjustable height by cutting at grooves. All Open Implants products are FDA 510K compliant.

    3i Certain Analog (individually priced)

    Sherlock - 3i Certain

    3i Certain Analog (individually priced)

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    Sherlock Implant Analog for Nobel Active. For digital and stone model use. Adjustable height by cutting at grooves. Titanium Material. Anodized for your convenience.

    Nobel Active Analog (individually priced)

    Sherlock - Nobel Biocare Active

    Nobel Active Analog (individually priced)

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  • Description

    Sherlock Implant Analog for Nobel Replace. For digital and stone model use. Adjustable height by cutting at grooves. All Open Implants products are FDA 510K compliant. Nobel Replace Select 3.5 NP, 4.3 RP, and 6.0 are available in steel. Nobel Repl

    Nobel Replace Analog (individually priced)

    Sherlock - Nobel Biocare Replace Select

    Nobel Replace Analog (individually priced)

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